Payment Methods
What payment methods are accepted at
We offer the following payment options:Credit Card - Visa/Mastercard accepted.
PayPal- Opt for secure payment via PayPal using your debit or credit card. Registration is simple and free. For additional details, kindly
What if my payment has failed?
There could be various reasons why a payment for an order has failed. Please contact our Customer Service Team with the subject 'Failed Payment' and provide your details and/or a screenshot of the issue if possible.
Where is my order confirmation number?
An order confirmation number is specifically generated for online orders. After successfully placing your order online, you will receive an email containing all the detailed information about your order.
Haven't received your Order Confirmation?
We're here to help! If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service Team via email at. Just use the subject line "Order Checking," and we'll be glad to assist you.
Why does my order status show 'Payment Pending'?
Normally, the status "Payment Pending" indicates an unsuccessful payment attempt. However, if the payment indeed did not go through, you should have received an email from us containing instructions to retry the payment.
Unable to reattempt payment or didn't get a payment failure email?
Kindly avoid recreating your order to prevent any potential duplication. Instead, please reach out to our Customer Service Team via email atwith the subject line "Payment Pending." We will then provide you with a link for a new payment attempt.
Paid but order status has not been updated after 24 hours?
Our Customer Service Team can assist you in confirming your payment and reissuing an order confirmation email. Kindly contact us via email at, using the subject line "Order Whereabouts" to address your concern.
Can I make changes to or cancel my order once it's been placed?
Regrettably, once an order is successfully placed, we are unable to accommodate further modifications, such as upgrades to the shipping method or alterations to the quantities within your beauty haul. As bdvhome is not responsible for replacements or refunds concerning parcels that have been dispatched to incorrect addresses due to provided information, we strongly recommend thoroughly reviewing your shopping cart and shipping particulars prior to completing the checkout process.
Should you require additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Service Team through email Please use the subject line "Order Support" for your inquiries.